Community Well-being

Productivity Hacks: Tips from the Community

Wondering how to make the most of your day? Tina ’17 and Amanda ’17 find out what alumni members have been doing to increase their productivity.


What Does It Mean To Be Patriotic?

Syalin ’18 invites you to engage in some Merdeka musings to explore the meaning of patriotism and the different questions that comes with it


Mythbusters: Shedding Light on Teaching Myths

What is the most outlandish myth you’ve heard about teaching? Alicia ’14 reached out to the Teach For Malaysia Alumni community to dispel common teaching-related myths.


The Past Presents the Future

No, we are not talking about digging through our history textbooks to learn about the ancient times. The past I’m referring to is YOUR past. Your own personal journey throughout each year. Recalling back the mountains and valleys, and its in-betweens, can help shed more light on the meaning, lessons and accomplishments that each year presents. This would then be the building blocks in which you can use to pave a path for a better future. In a more TFM style term, it’s REFLECTION TIME!

Community Education

Small Wins: Z-List Classroom Stories

Having all experienced challenging classrooms, we know the power of celebrating small successes. In fact, it’s often the fleeting moments and little joys that kept us going on our darkest days: the hint of a smile from an unruly student, a hastily-scribbled thank you note left on your desk, a lightbulb moment when students grasp a new concept, a test paper that is not left completely blank.

This article features classroom stories from the 2018 cohort, including Alumni who are teaching in public, private, and international schools. Presenting… Emily ’18, Hazwani ’18, Wai Ken ’18 and Amanda ’18 and their small wins!

Community Well-being

Climb Up!

Yes, this article is literally about climbing! More specifically, this is a report on the recent bouldering event organized by TFM Alumni Board. In this article, we are going to hear from four alumni – Emily’18, Calvin’15, Raee’15, and Yuna’13.