Community Well-being

Climb Up!

Yes, this article is literally about climbing! More specifically, this is a report on the recent bouldering event organized by TFM Alumni Board. In this article, we are going to hear from four alumni – Emily’18, Calvin’15, Raee’15, and Yuna’13.

“In order to climb up I must first climb out of my fear of climbing.”

Craig D. Lounsbrough (professional counselor and life coach)

Yes, this article is literally about climbing! More specifically, this is a report on the recent bouldering event organized by TFM Alumni Board.

The bouldering event was held on December 15, 2019 at BUMP Bouldering, Petaling Jaya. It was attended by twelve alumni from different cohorts. In this article, we are going to hear from four alumni – Emily’18, Calvin’15, Raee’15, and Yuna’13.

First, let’s hear from Emily’18.

Q: What was the highlight for you during the event?

Emily: It was nice to be doing something new and scaling new heights (pun intended*). Above all, I enjoyed meeting new and familiar faces, and feeling welcomed to the alumni community as a newly inducted alumna.

Q: Was there any funny or unforgettable moments?

Emily: On my first fall, I banged my forehead quite hard against the bouldering wall so I woke up the next morning looking like some ‘ustaz yang selalu solat sujud’. Alhamdullilah, the swelling has since gone down!

Q: Did you learn anything about the alumni movement? Can you share with us?

Emily: As alumni, we are all super busy in our new journeys but we make time to connect with people who share the same passion and enthusiasm for public education and nation building – though ideologies and walks of life may differ, we all hope for a better future for Malaysia.

(*The phrase is used as the title for a chapter in the English textbook ;))

Thank you Emily for your heartfelt sharing. We hope your forehead is okay now! Next, give it up as we hear from the president of our TFM Alumni Board – Calvin’15!

Q: What was the highlight for you during the event?

Calvin: My highlight was trying out a new sport in a surprisingly safe and welcoming environment. The ‘bouldering’ community in general is a supportive and encouraging bunch, even if you are a stranger to them.

Q: How did you feel about bouldering?

Calvin: It was daunting at first but once I got the hang of it, I challenged myself to try harder paths and layouts. The variety makes the sport interesting; it would make you come back for more. Moreover, I was amazed to see ‘pros’ like Raee’15 & Gabriel’14 scaling the paths like pros, twisting their limbs in various places I’d never think of.

Q: Did you learn anything new about the alumni movement through the activity?

Calvin: Personally, I would not have tried bouldering in the first place had there not been other Alumni exploring it together with me. So, I have learned that having a supportive and encouraging community is essential to push and challenge oneself further, especially in terms of venturing into new things, hobbies, and interests.

Moving forward, I hope we can take a leaf out of the bouldering community’s ethos and behaviors and replicate them in our pockets of communities within the Alumni Network.

Thank you Calvin for your insightful sharing. Next, let’s hear from the bouldering veteran – Raee’15.

Q: What was the highlight for you during the event?

Raee: My highlight was definitely seeing everyone trying to conquer different routes though it was the first time for most of us. Bouldering is indeed a great sport to gather community as everyone is trying to solve the routes in seeing which body coordination works best.

Q: Did you learn anything new about the alumni movement through the activity?

Raee: Seeing the new committee and how they are involved in trying to make alumni movement active is definitely very encouraging.

Thank you Raee on the uplifting words! Last but not least, let’s hear from Yuna’13.

Q:  What was the highlight for you during the event?

Yuna: The highlight for me was to finish a few routes that were challenging to me.

Q: Was this your first time bouldering? How did you feel about it?

Yuna: Oh yes, it was my first time. It was definitely a new and refreshing experience. There’s a few moments where I doubted my ability to finish the route during midway of climbing; sometimes by just staring at the colored pieces on the wall. Those were the moments where I regressed into a timid child – yes, it was somewhat terrifying to me. But, my peers were very encouraging, guiding me through the route. That’s what lifted my spirit very much; in the end I completed it!

Q: Did you learn anything new about the alumni movement? Can you share with us?

Yuna: I was the ‘oldest’ alumni cohort member there. Seeing other alumni attempting challenging routes really impressed me with their fearlessness and determination. Somehow, I feel the alumni are in good hands of these amazing people that keep the movement strong and moving forward. Keep up the spirit!

Aww, thank you Yuna! TFM Alumni Board committee, do you hear this? Keep it up!

After the bouldering event ended, the alumni had dinner together. They were joined by more alumni who couldn’t make it to the bouldering event.

Based on those who attended, hearty conversations and laughter were exchanged throughout the dinner. But no report can ever capture those precious moments substantially. TFM alumni worldwide, do join us in the next alumni event, as we yearn to reconnect with everyone!

Till then, stay safe and keep scaling the heights!

© Jan 2020 – Tina Tan ’17

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