
What Community Means to Me: Learnings From My Time as Head of Alumni

Melissa ’14 shares some insights about community building from her experience as TFM’s Head of Alumni

Community Family Food Well-being

VoxPop a.k.a The People’s Voice: How to Celebrate Small Wins

When there is uncertainty and tension, when there are some of us feeling stuck in a difficult place, here’s the voice of 6 alumni on how “every small thing counts” Staying fully present throughout the entire duration.


The Path to Better Well-being: Self-Care Rituals Practiced by TFM Alumni

It’s the beginning of the year and many of us started it off by making New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves: to get a promotion at work, to read more, to be more productive, to work out more, and so on. In the midst of pushing ourselves, let’s take a moment to acknowledge another important thing we should be focusing on: our mental and emotional well-being.