Community Well-being

Productivity Hacks: Tips from the Community

Wondering how to make the most of your day? Tina ’17 and Amanda ’17 find out what alumni members have been doing to increase their productivity.

Uncategorized Well-being

When Will My Reflection Show Who I Am Inside?

As we approach the end of the year, Rheena ’19 shares some nuggets of wisdom on authentic self-reflection, with the help of Brené Brown.

Food Well-being

Food for Thought

Amanda ’17 gives us some food for thought about the current reality of the food choices being offered to our students in school canteens

Uncategorized Well-being

A Shot of Hope

Deepa ’20 reaches out to the community for vaccination stories as we soldier on in this pandemic with a glimmer of hope.

Education Well-being

Creating Safe and Supportive Environments for Learning

In these turbulent times, Rheena ’19 highlights the importance of Social Emotional Learning and speaks to alumni who has incorporated it into lessons.


The Past Presents the Future

No, we are not talking about digging through our history textbooks to learn about the ancient times. The past I’m referring to is YOUR past. Your own personal journey throughout each year. Recalling back the mountains and valleys, and its in-betweens, can help shed more light on the meaning, lessons and accomplishments that each year presents. This would then be the building blocks in which you can use to pave a path for a better future. In a more TFM style term, it’s REFLECTION TIME!

Leadership Well-being

Working From Home a.k.a Remote Working: Potential Long-Term Impact

Have you been working from home a lot this year? Ever though about the long-term implications if remote work became a more permanent part of our lives? Get a gist of what we may be in for in the long haul here!

Community Connections Family Well-being

Connections: Celebrating Friendships in this time of the MCO

This pandemic took us by surprise but the extraordinary thing is how the community decided not to take life for granted, but to take this opportunity to show compassion, empathy and also love to the people that need it the most.

Community Connections Student Voice Well-being

on the 10th day of MCO my students said to me…

Hello dear reader. Covid-19 changed our entire world in the blink of an eye (or in the cough of an instant) – groceries were hoarded, toilet paper rose to rare item status, and the unthinkable has happened. PAK-21 truly became PAK-21. “Cikgu kena buat online class.” Imagine all the cheers and groans this made. The MCO struggle is real, as many of our social media feeds can attest – but how are students doing? For this issue of Anyamanthly, we decided to A) poll students through Instagram and B) invite some to write about what it’s been like.

Community Family Food Well-being

VoxPop a.k.a The People’s Voice: How to Celebrate Small Wins

When there is uncertainty and tension, when there are some of us feeling stuck in a difficult place, here’s the voice of 6 alumni on how “every small thing counts” Staying fully present throughout the entire duration.