Education Social Media

8 Great Educational Platforms by Malaysian Teachers

Tina ’17 compiled a list of inspiring channels and accounts by Malaysian teachers who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and resources

Students often turn to Youtube when they need a little help with their school subjects. Similarly, teachers browse through Youtube and other social media platforms such as Instagram or Tiktok when they need some inspiration to create better lessons.

In this post, I’ll show you 8 inspiring channels and accounts that are loaded with creative and educational content. The owners of these platforms are Malaysian teachers who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and resources with the public.

1. 1 Day 1 Idea

  • Creator: Project ID
  • Platform: Instagram
  • Topics covered: Online teaching tools, energizers, self-care ideas, methods to check student well-being, etc
  • Targeted audience: Teachers

Make sure you check out this account for many amazing tools to make your lessons more fun and interactive! For example, did you know that there is a new online conferencing platform called It allows you to ‘move’ around the room. To converse with someone, you move closer to them and to leave the conversation, you move away. How about a platform called TimelineJS that allows you to create timelines and add visuals to it?

Don’t worry if you prefer to stick to the basics like Google Meet and Power Point. This account also offers many ideas to enhance your lessons. For example, you can download the Hangman PowerPoint template through the link given in one of the posts. Hangman can be used as a fun way to quiz your students. Besides that, this account includes ideas for self-care and methods to check student well-being. The suggestions given are suitable for both online and face-to-face lessons!

 2. Chekgu Anas

  • Creator: Cikgu Anas ’17 (TFM alumni)
  • Platform: Youtube
  • Topics covered: KSSM Sejarah Tingkatan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Targeted audience: Form 1 to Form 5 students, Sejarah teachers

Everything that is covered in the KSSM Sejarah textbooks is covered in this channel too! (Or it will be, soon.) You can find all you need for Sejarah here, be it an in-depth explanation of each subtopic or a quick review of the chapter. Tune in to learn more about history and listen to the soothing voice of Chekgu Anas!


  • Creator: Cikgu Yusuff
  • Platform: Youtube
  • Topics covered: KSSM Sejarah Tingkatan 4, 5
  • Targeted audience: Form 4 and Form 5 students, Sejarah teachers

Here comes another amazing Sejarah channel that you shouldn’t miss out. One of the highlights of this channel is the guests. This channel frequently features other experienced teachers. Viewers can learn history from various perspectives in a light-hearted atmosphere.

Aside from Sejarah topics, Cikgu Yusuff also shares his best teaching practices with other teachers on this channel. Some of them are game-based learning and use the app ‘Socrative’ in PdPR. So, make sure you subscribe to this channel for more information about Sejarah.

4. Liang Jing Teh

  • Creator: Cikgu Teh / Alex ’19 (TFM Alumni)
  • Platform: Youtube
  • Topics covered: KSSM Matematik Tingkatan 1, 2
  • Targeted audience: Chinese speaking Form 1 and Form 2 students, Math teachers

“Lockdown, unemployment, sounds like a perfect combination for a mental breakdown. I once heard what sustains one’s motivation to live is to have a stream of meaningful problems to solve. I choose to give meaning in making Youtube video lessons for the kids – the kids who do not have enough to eat during lockdown, let alone the money for online tuition; the kids who do not have enough devices to be used for synchronous online learning; and the kids that have potential in Mathematics but are hindered by language barrier.” – quoted from the Facebook post written by Cikgu Teh on May 19.

The videos made by Cikgu Teh are in Chinese, so it’s perfect for Chinese students who might still have trouble catching up with the lower secondary Mathematic syllabus that is fully taught in Bahasa Malaysia in schools. If you have relatives, juniors, friends or kids that you know are in need of this service, do share Cikgu Teh’s videos with them.

5. Cikgu Hailmi

  • Creator: Cikgu Hailmi
  • Platform: Youtube, Website
  • Topics covered: KSSM Sains Tingkatan 4 dan 5, ideas for science lessons, tips to make educational videos, etc
  • Targeted audience: Form 4 and Form 5 students, Science teachers

Cikgu Hailmi is an avid educator who has been seen sharing his best practices at various events and talk shows. His science videos are short and sweet so they’re perfect for students who don’t have much internet data to spare. For teachers, tune in to get tips on how to make your lessons more interactive and get ready to be challenged as Cikgu Hailmi shares his views on our current education system.

6. Cikgu Sains Kelas Hujung

  • Creator: Cikgu Sains Kelas Hujung
  • Platform: Youtube, Facebook
  • Topics covered: KSSM Sains Tingkatan 5
  • Targeted audience: Form 5 students, Science teachers

As the name suggests, the creator of this channel is dedicated to making content that is relevant to Form 5 students who are struggling with the Sains subject. The videos are packed with colorful graphics and concise information. Therefore, they are perfect to be used at the end of a class as a quick summary. Make sure you subscribe to this channel for more information about Form 5 Sains subject.

7. Sir Asai

  • Creator: Sir Asai
  • Platform: Tik Tok, Instagram, Youtube
  • Topics covered: English pronunciations, phrases, adjectives, grammars, etc
  • Targeted audience: Teachers and students

Sir Asai makes short and funny skits with his students on Tik Tok to educate the public about English words and rules. His videos are perfect to be used at the beginning of a class as set induction, or to be shared with the students as after-class recap. Check out Sir Asai’s videos to see his cute interaction with his students!

8. Fieqa Teaches English

  • Creator: Teacher Fieqa
  • Platform: Instagram, Facebook
  • Topics covered: Ideas for English lessons
  • Targeted audience: Teachers

Teacher Fieqa shares her brilliant ideas for English lessons with the public on her Instagram and Facebook account. Some of the ideas include Guess The Headline (for Form 1 students), Movie Review via Padlet (for Form 3 students), and Speaking Board Games (for all forms). Check out Teacher Fieqa’s account for more interesting lesson ideas!

Truth be told, there are hundreds and thousands of inspiring teacher accounts out there on social media and Youtube. Knowledge and resources are best utilized when they are shared widely. Do comment below if you know of other amazing educators’ accounts or channels that we shouldn’t miss out.

More importantly, please show your support for these awesome Malaysian teachers mentioned above – subscribe to their channels and accounts, like and share their posts or videos so that it will reach more students and more people will know about their hard work.

© July 2021 – Tina’17

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